Eileen Kern

Posts By: Eileen Kern

Creating a New Site

I’m building a new website under my new(ish) name: Eileen Whitener Why? I’m pretty comfortable working in a CMS like WordPress, but I’ve been wanting to give building something (with tons of help from existing frameworks and resources) a try. I’m juggling a handful of new projects, including new teaching and speaking adventures, and I wanted a […]

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Three Things I Learned from NaNoWriMo 2016

NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, is an annual challenge to spend the month of November writing at least 50,000 words. You don’t have to consider yourself a “writer” to participate, and there’s no penalty for missing the mark or huge reward for success, other than the knowledge that you’ve written a book-sized quantity of […]

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Dar Williams – The Honesty Room 20th Anniversary Tour

The itty bitty little figure in the blurry picture above is Dar Williams, and the event I so valiantly attempted to capture in this image (with simultaneous attention to the institution’s cell phone/camera policy) was a concert celebrating the 20th anniversary of her first album, The Honesty Room. The concept was simple: Dar would be […]

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