The itty bitty little figure in the blurry picture above is Dar Williams, and the event I so valiantly attempted to capture in this image (with simultaneous attention to the institution’s cell phone/camera policy) was a concert celebrating the 20th anniversary of her first album, The Honesty Room. The concept was simple: Dar would be […]
Read MoreI recently attended a party called “Sad Song Saturday.” A musician friend decided it would be a hoot to invite her friends to sing the saddest songs they could imagine. The night featured old standbys and new compositions (as well as a lot of talent spanning several generations). The party was an incredible hit–attendees easily […]
Read MoreI was chatting with independent musician and banjo enthusiast Dan Whitener about his website recently; we were chatting about what kinds of content would appeal to his visitors. When I started exploring TED Talks on my own, I was excited to find several that include stories about the banjo, and quickly sent him the link. […]
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