Eileen Kern

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Willpower and Delayed Gratification

You may be familiar with the Marshmallow Experiment, an oft-referenced series of studies from the 1960s-70s in which “a child was offered a choice between one small reward provided immediately or two small rewards if they waited for a short period, approximately 15 minutes, during which the tester left the room and then returned.” A […]

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Tolerations and Mental Clarity

Post by Making Good. I’ve been impressed with the Making Good folks ever since they launched the beautiful site 50 Ways to Get a Job that Makes Good. Recently, Inc published one of those fifty tips as a stand-alone article, “A Simple Trick to Find Mental Clarity.” In short, Dev Aujla’s article in Inc provides […]

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Take Care of Yourself

I recently wrote an article for iCIMS about the importance of structure and self-care as part of a successful job search. Taking care of yourself is especially important during a job hunt; it can be stressful to add job hunting onto an already-busy work schedule, and for those who are not yet employed there’s a […]

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