Eileen Kern

Writer, Teacher, Speaker

Email Sent without Exclamation Point

Post by The Onion. I thought The Onion was brilliant with this article. Although this satirical piece features a social email, I suspect the issue that they’re highlighting also carries over into some business settings. During one of my jobs that involved responding to a lot of email, I started my job writing very formal […]

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Internships & Summer Work Experiences

Although internships are a fantastic way to begin a relationship with an organization, job seekers (and employers, for that matter!) need to approach the world of internships with open eyes as to some of the benefits–and risks–associated with internship programs in the modern world. iCIMS Hire Expectations Institute proprietary research, as presented by my colleague […]

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eBooks and Reading Retention

My mom saved this little article for me from last Sunday’s Asbury Park Press. It looks like it’s from a section called “USA Today for Asbury Park Press.” This is one of the first studies I’ve seen that has involved child participants in an eBook reading retention study. Although I personally have only encountered coverage […]

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