Eileen Kern

Home / Hiring

What Does It Mean to Quit?

Last night, I went out with some friends to celebrate the end of a specific chapter of a friend’s life. He had been struggling to juggle a few different opportunities at the same time, and finally decided to throw his energies 100% into one–and phase himself out of the other. Choosing to redirect one’s professional […]

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Looking for a Job? Here’s Where to Start

Looking for a job can be overwhelming, especially if you are looking for your first job or returning to the workforce after a period of unemployment. Fortunately, employers are looking to hire, and iCIMS has some inside scoop on what employers want to see. In one of my more exciting projects for the iCIMS Hire […]

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How I Would Like to Work for You – Eudora Welty

In March of 1933, in an attempt to secure some work, 23-year-old Eudora Welty wrote [the linked] charming letter to the offices of The New Yorker. Incredibly, they turned her down. I caught this Letter of Note from “How to Pitch Yourself: A Lesson from Young Eudora Welty’s Impossibly Charming Job Application to The New […]

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