Eileen Kern

Writer, Teacher, Speaker

What Does It Mean to Quit?

Last night, I went out with some friends to celebrate the end of a specific chapter of a friend’s life. He had been struggling to juggle a few different opportunities at the same time, and finally decided to throw his energies 100% into one–and phase himself out of the other. Choosing to redirect one’s professional […]

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Tolerations and Mental Clarity

Post by Making Good. I’ve been impressed with the Making Good folks ever since they launched the beautiful site 50 Ways to Get a Job that Makes Good. Recently, Inc published one of those fifty tips as a stand-alone article, “A Simple Trick to Find Mental Clarity.” In short, Dev Aujla’s article in Inc provides […]

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“Connectors,” Summer Camp, and Book Club

It rained during most of my vacation this summer, which meant that it was easy to fill my days with literature. I read Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point because another family member had brought the book along. I was very interested in the idea that “[t]he success of any kind of social epidemic is heavily […]

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